
Showing posts from February, 2021

Blog Post 6

  Before taking this course, I had no prior experience using Diigo.   But since I have used it, I have grown to like it and understand its usefulness. Being able to annotate most webpages and bookmark them to specific groups has made studying and accessing different resources and point of views much easier. There not much that I dislike about Diigo except for their notification system, which is difficult to maneuver through.  Blogging has been a nice experience as well. I personally like being able to share my personal experiences and how I would use my experience in the future. what I don't like about blogging is having to update it on a regular basis. So far during this blogging process I have learned different opinions about social medias, Diigo and other classroom activities from the perspective of other students.  A Web 2.0 tool that I might implement is Edmodo . Edmodo is like canvas and much more user-friendly. It is a resource used to connect teachers with st...

Blog Post 5

  Twitter has been around since 2006 but I did not start using it until 2010. I first I was skeptical in creating one because I never knew what I would tweet about or if I would ever gain followers. When I eventually did create one, I mainly used it to communicate with friends or other people who frequented the website. Twitter is a useful app that would allow for better networking amongst my colleagues and a way for my future students to communicate outside of school. The digital divide is a divide where students either have access to technology and the internet and those who do not have access to it. The digital divide affects student’s success because it gives students who have access to technology an advantage in the learning process, which would make it a less viable learning environment for other students. Causes of the digital divide can differ but usually a lack of funding to schools or the child's parent can't afford to supply electronics. As a teacher, there will be...

Blog Post 4

  “With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers”. Throughout much of my education this ELA technology standard has been a proven asset for my advancement throughout school. My teachers have always assisted me when it came to advancing my technological knowledge. So, to me this standard means advancing students collaboration and tech skills. My prior knowledge of this standard gives me the confidence that I am well prepared to implement this standard. The CPALMS resource that I feel I would use in my classroom is Captain’s Capitalization Treasure Hunt. This resource helps students Learn to capitalize holidays, product names, and names of places around the world. Knowing how and when to capitalize nouns has always been difficult for me to learn growing up. Having a resource that specifically caters to that in my opinion is a great way for students to learn in a fun way. Internet searchi...