Blog Post 4


“With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers”. Throughout much of my education this ELA technology standard has been a proven asset for my advancement throughout school. My teachers have always assisted me when it came to advancing my technological knowledge. So, to me this standard means advancing students collaboration and tech skills. My prior knowledge of this standard gives me the confidence that I am well prepared to implement this standard.

The CPALMS resource that I feel I would use in my classroom is Captain’s Capitalization Treasure Hunt. This resource helps students Learn to capitalize holidays, product names, and names of places around the world. Knowing how and when to capitalize nouns has always been difficult for me to learn growing up. Having a resource that specifically caters to that in my opinion is a great way for students to learn in a fun way.

Internet searching is an effective tool in education. Internet searching is a simple task to complete that includes finding information on the internet. Its important to be a proficient internet searcher because the information that you can find on the internet is endless so having that skill will be lifelong. From the skills that I have seen in the video the most useful one for me is the reverse image search because I have never been able to figure out how to do an image search.

"Chuck Norris - Google Search" by greyloch is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
"Chuck Norris - Google Search" by greyloch is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


  1. You are absolutely right on how important it is to be proficient at internet searching. Those teachers who are not as experienced or skilled in that area are so limited in the information that they can provide to their students.


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