Blog Post 7


For this part of the blog, I visited about three different school websites and most of the information on them were similar. I see information about upcoming events and fundraisers. I see spring photo shoots advertised. I see school photos with children and teachers interacting with each other. I see students sitting with teachers and interacting outside of the classroom.


In the future I envision myself using technology as a tool for communication outside of the class and for correction issues that students may come across. Specifically, I will use Grammarly and Google Drive. Grammarly is a system that flags potential issues in the text and make context-specific suggestions to help with grammar, spelling and usage, wordiness, style, punctuation, and even plagiarism. Google drive is a cloud-based storage solution that allows you to save files online and access them anywhere from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.


Pb works is completely new to me and is a tool that provides formatting options that allow you to make the text look the way that you want. Essentially assisting one or a group of people in creating a website for shared facts. I like that pb works allows for quick updates to assignment and access to other students work. I dislike the interface meaning it is not user-friendly and it takes time to understand all the functions. I would use a wiki similar to how we used it in this course where we would accumulate ideas and store them onto a classroom wiki page.
