Blog Journal 1

Hey guys, my name is Marvin and I also go by the name Marvin. I am a criminology major with an emphasis on education. I enjoy playing and watching basketball as well a crime shows. such as Criminal Minds, and How to get away with murder. I have a dream to work in law enforcement but with juveniles who enter the system because I feel that they are the most vulnerable groups.

Prior to this course I have used many different technologies. Such as excel, PowerPoint and C++. Using technology in classrooms has allowed me to easily navigate through difficult courses on my own without the help of a teacher. technology improves classroom learning by making lessons more interactive. Where I can participate through different ways rather than just listening to the teacher speak. To support my learning needs and goals I regularly review PowerPoints, articles, and google searches to advance my knowledge.

so that's a little about me and what I know and I hope to learn more about everyone else here soon.


  1. i like that you go by two of the same names XD. but seriously, i also like crime shows like first 48 and usually whatever netflix has like the oj simpson show and the new nightstalker one. i feel like we share a passion of helping vulnerable youth because i am looking forward to helping at-risk students in the future. i also think powerpoints are incredibly useful for the classroom. seems like we have a lot in common.


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