
Blog Post 10

 For this course, we used data collection to analyze trends among responses. We used it and shared it amongst our classmates or peers alike. We used the data received from the responses to create excel charts to visualize our data. For the future, I can use data collection surveys for student evaluations or for a similar assignment that we took in this course. Topics I found most interesting from my classmates’ blogs were the meme assignment where we had to create a meme that described how we were doing during the semester. This assignment allowed us to have a creative escape while also receiving a grade. Another topic that I found interesting was creating a website for a class. this was interesting to me because I was able to show others how I would create a website for a class, and it gave me the time to create something that others can use for their own use. I would like to learn to effectively use google. When I say use google, I mean to effectively use their search engine ...

Blog Post 9

  Distance learning is something that I have always done but not at the current level that I am. I have learned a lot of things but at my own discretion. Although college is all about what you do outside of the class it has all become one and what I do in class is also what I do at home, so trying to find time to live life and do work is sometimes difficult. What I do enjoy about distant learning is actually learning at a pace that I consider manageable. To help improve the experience learners have I could try to space out the time which assignments are due. For example, instead of 1 assignment a week, I would do 1 assignment every two weeks. Open educational resources are resources used for research purposes that are freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital materials. The main thing here is free and licensed meaning that it's open to the public and is usually trustworthy information. I searched the web and found which is an online resour...

Blog Post 8

  This past week we had an assignment where we had to create a website for any grade level. I chose the website template that Weebly offered and created a website for a second-grade class. I used Weebly once in my freshman year to create a website but at the time it was much different and didn’t include all of the things that Weebly offers now. I liked the versatility of Weebly the most. It gave me many options for creativity. In the future, I can use Weebly to create a classroom website for students to review material discussed in class. Diigo is a research tool and knowledge-sharing community. Using Diigo has given me a better way to communicate with peers. In a classroom setting, this application can be used to share information or to compile research articles. For my personal use, I would use Diigo to research multiple articles at one time whenever I had a topic that needed attention and shares those articles with my peers or students. Although t...

Blog Post 7

  For this part of the blog, I visited about three different school websites and most of the information on them were similar. I see information about upcoming events and fundraisers. I see spring photo shoots advertised. I see school photos with children and teachers interacting with each other. I see students sitting with teachers and interacting outside of the classroom.   In the future I envision myself using technology as a tool for communication outside of the class and for correction issues that students may come across. Specifically, I will use Grammarly and Google Drive. Grammarly is a system that flags potential issues in the text and make context-specific suggestions to help with grammar, spelling and usage, wordiness, style, punctuation, and even plagiarism. Google drive is a cloud-based storage solution that allows you to save files online and access them anywhere from any smartphone, tablet, or computer. ...

Blog Post 6

  Before taking this course, I had no prior experience using Diigo.   But since I have used it, I have grown to like it and understand its usefulness. Being able to annotate most webpages and bookmark them to specific groups has made studying and accessing different resources and point of views much easier. There not much that I dislike about Diigo except for their notification system, which is difficult to maneuver through.  Blogging has been a nice experience as well. I personally like being able to share my personal experiences and how I would use my experience in the future. what I don't like about blogging is having to update it on a regular basis. So far during this blogging process I have learned different opinions about social medias, Diigo and other classroom activities from the perspective of other students.  A Web 2.0 tool that I might implement is Edmodo . Edmodo is like canvas and much more user-friendly. It is a resource used to connect teachers with st...

Blog Post 5

  Twitter has been around since 2006 but I did not start using it until 2010. I first I was skeptical in creating one because I never knew what I would tweet about or if I would ever gain followers. When I eventually did create one, I mainly used it to communicate with friends or other people who frequented the website. Twitter is a useful app that would allow for better networking amongst my colleagues and a way for my future students to communicate outside of school. The digital divide is a divide where students either have access to technology and the internet and those who do not have access to it. The digital divide affects student’s success because it gives students who have access to technology an advantage in the learning process, which would make it a less viable learning environment for other students. Causes of the digital divide can differ but usually a lack of funding to schools or the child's parent can't afford to supply electronics. As a teacher, there will be...

Blog Post 4

  “With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers”. Throughout much of my education this ELA technology standard has been a proven asset for my advancement throughout school. My teachers have always assisted me when it came to advancing my technological knowledge. So, to me this standard means advancing students collaboration and tech skills. My prior knowledge of this standard gives me the confidence that I am well prepared to implement this standard. The CPALMS resource that I feel I would use in my classroom is Captain’s Capitalization Treasure Hunt. This resource helps students Learn to capitalize holidays, product names, and names of places around the world. Knowing how and when to capitalize nouns has always been difficult for me to learn growing up. Having a resource that specifically caters to that in my opinion is a great way for students to learn in a fun way. Internet searchi...

Blog Journal 3

  When someone makes a work of art or publishes something, they do so with the intention that others will enjoy that work. Though there are times when that kindness is abused. The abuse that happens includes illegal downloads and streaming. Copyrighting gives a creator exclusive rights to what is published by the creator. It promotes fair use and openness amongst users. As a teacher dealing with these concepts can be quite challenging and fun. By giving students simple easy technology-based assignments will help facilitate creativity.  Technology implementation issues that I believe I can provide solutions for include academic dishonesty and student privacy. Dishonesty can easily be addressed through the difficulty of assignments and the strength of the lessons provided. If assignments are clear and lessons are effective children can learn to retain information at a higher rate. Student privacy can be addressed by making assignments more transparent like using class discussion...

Blog Journal 2

Microsoft word has been a staple throughout much of my education. I have used it for countless projects to type out necessary assignments. it is an extremely adaptable program that gives its users complete control of all its functions while also being able to correct common issues. It has always been my preferred word processing software over any other software even PowerPoint. The ISTE Standards for Educators are the common standards that educators should employ to increase productivity and retention. The most important standard to me is the collaborator standard. This standard is important to me because it allows educators to network and learn about what works for other educators and to share that information with each other to advance learning among two classrooms. It also gives students a way to express what technologies work best for them in a way to give them a saying in how they learn. Originally, I was skeptical about the label “digital native” because being tech savvy to m...

Blog Journal 1

Hey guys, my name is Marvin and I also go by the name Marvin. I am a criminology major with an emphasis on education. I  enjoy playing and watching basketball as well a crime shows. such as Criminal Minds, and How to get away with murder. I have a dream to work in law enforcement but with juveniles who enter the system because I feel that they are the most vulnerable groups. Prior to this course I have used many different technologies. Such as excel, PowerPoint and C++. Using technology in classrooms has allowed me to easily navigate through difficult courses on my own without the help of a teacher. technology improves classroom learning by making lessons more interactive. Where I can participate through different ways rather than just listening to the teacher speak. To support my learning needs and goals I regularly review PowerPoints, articles, and google searches to advance my knowledge. so that's a little about me and what I know and I hope to learn mor...